Fallout 1 military base disable force fields
Fallout 1 military base disable force fields

fallout 1 military base disable force fields

About the only things of interest on this map are the actual entrance to the temple and that guy standing to the south of you. The screen will scroll to show you more of the map. Move the cursor to the corners of the screen. Click on the DONE button to return to the game. Drag the spear to the ITEM1 slot and release the left-mouse button. Notice that the cursor becomes the spear. Left-click on the spear and hold the mouse button this time. Then right-click again to change the cursor back to the hand. Left-click on the spear to examine it a little more closely. Right-click once to change the cursor mode. Narg is pretty poor and only has a spear. Click on the INV button on the interface bar to open Narg's bag of goodies. Press F1 if you need a quick reminder of the basic functions and icons on this screen.Įquip Narg with a weapon, since Narg likes to kick a little bootie every now and then. Narg, your character, is standing on the steps in the center of the screen. For now, click on the TAKE button to select Narg, a combat-based character that is the easiest character to start the game with.Īfter the tribal elder tells you of your mission, you will appear standing in front of the temple of trials. Start a new game by selecting NEW GAME from the main menu. This tutorial assumes that you have already installed Fallout 2 and doubled-click on the Fallout 2 icon or ran it from the Win95® Start menu. This section will give you a brief tutorial on game functions and give you a head start at the beginning of the game. Remember the game plot is non-linear, the same thing may be achieved by many different ways.

  • Map of the Entire Area of the Adventure.
  • fallout 1 military base disable force fields fallout 1 military base disable force fields

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    Fallout 1 military base disable force fields